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Mentor ProtégéApplication

This ConnexFM 1-to-1 Mentorship Program Protégé application will help us match you with a mentor that has the experience and skills that correlate to your interests, career goals and developmental needs.

NOTE: You must be a employed by a ConnexFM member company in good standing for your application to be considered and to participate.

As a protégé, we anticipate the following time commitment to ensure a successful experience with this program:

  • 25-35 hours (overall) for protégés
  • 12 monthly in-person or virtual meetings (12 hours)
  • 1 in-person networking event (1 hour, optional)
  • 5-10 hours for orientation, miscellaneous activities, sharing feedback and ongoing communication 

If you have any questions regarding the mentorship program or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the ConnexFM Membership Team ( It is very important to answer every question and we thank you in advance for your interest and participation.

Please note that this program is for professional development purposes and not intended to be a sales/prospecting opportunity.